Titanic Golf Club

Belek, just 20 minutes to Antalya and the international airport, which has become a special location in the middle of the Mediterranean coastline of…

Belek, just 20 minutes to Antalya and the international airport, which has become a special location in the middle of the Mediterranean coastline of Turkey, holds several historical and natural riches. Belek has also become popular as a golf region preferred by golf lovers with its large golf courses which are well-maintained and have the required technological infrastructure.

Belek is an important region which serves either as a touristic and vacation location and nests the wildlife characteristics of the Mediterranean Region. 29 of 574 different plant species of the region are endemic and they only live in that matchless environment. 

Additional Information

Designed by the Architects of Hawtree Golf Course of the United Kingdom Established on 110 Hectares of area The first 27 holed golf course of Turkey Potential to organize a 9-Hole Championship with 3 Options – Variable 27 Holes option. Titanic Golf Club presents a pleasing experience for professionals and a perfect training potential for the amateurs.